Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pull (Upper Back)

Chin-ups:  Grab a chin-up bar with your palms toward your face.  Lower yourself all the way down so that your elbows and shoulders are in full extension.  From there use your upper back to pull your chin up over the bar

Pull-ups:  Grab a chin-up bar with your palms away from your face.  Lower yourself all the way down so that your elbows and shoulders are in full extension.  From there use your upper back to pull your chin up over the bar
Neutral Grip Chin-ups:  Grab the neutral grip handles and lower yourself all the way down so that your elbows and shoulders are in full extension.  From there use your upper back to pull your chin up over the bar
Alt Grip Chin-ups:  Grab a chin-up bar so that one palm is toward your face and the other is away from your face.  Lower yourself all the way down so that your elbows and shoulders are in full extension.  From there use your upper back to pull your chin up over the bar.  Perform equal reps on both sides.
Inverted Rows:  Laying underneath a barbell in a rack, grab the bar in a pronated/overhand grip.  From there bridge up so that your arms are extended and your heels are flat on the ground.  Holding your body in that plank position pull yourself up to the bar so your chest touches the bar.  If it cannot be performed this way bend your knees and put your feet flat on the floor, keeping the plank from knee to shoulder.

Inverted Rows Feet Elevated: Same as inverted rows but now put your heels on a bench or plyo box instead of on the floor
DB SA Rows:  Start by standing facing a bench or plyo box, roughly two-three feet away with your feet slightly wider than your hips.  Bend over with a flat back and place one hand on the bench, with the other hand grab a dumbbell, keeping good posture and only moving at the shoulder row the dumbbell to your chest

DB SA SL Rows:  Same as DB SA Rows except take the leg on the opposite side that is holding the dumbbell and place it straight behind you

DB Pillar Rows:  Place one elbow on a bench or plyo box and put your body in a pillar position with your toes on the ground.  From there grab a dumbbell in your other hand, row the dumbbell keeping your body in the pillar position and only moving at the shoulder

DB SA Rows from Floor:  Stand with your feet staggered and one dumbbell on the floor in front of you.  Bend over keeping a flat back, if your right foot is back grab the dumbbell with your right hand.  From there keep your body still and row the dumbbell from the floor every rep, your opposite hand will be neutral

DB Incline Rows:  Put a bench in a incline position, place your knees on the seat, or feet on floor, and your chest on the bench.  Grab a dumbbell in each hand and row keeping your elbows tight to your body and your chest on the bench

Seated Cable Row:  Can be done on a variety of equipment.  In a seated position grab a cable handle, set your back, and row the handle in to your stomach

Seated Cable Row to Neck:  Same as Seated Cable Row except now row to your neck keeping your elbows high

SA Cable Row:  Standing facing a cable stack with a single handle set at shoulder height, stagger your feet and with the hand on the side with the foot back grab the handle.  From there row the weight into your chest keeping your elbow tight and your body still

SA Cable Row w/Rotation:  Same as SA Cable Row except now as you row rotate your body.
Face Pulls:  Standing facing a cable stack with a rope attachment set shoulder height or higher.  Keeping your elbows high, row your hands to your neck/face.

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