Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Shoulder/Rotator Cuff

Use Perfect Form, Do not over do the Weight!!

External Rotation off Knee:  Seated on a bench with your right foot on the bench and your left foot on the ground, hold a dumbbell in your right hand and grab the back of the bench with your left hand.  Place your right elbow on your right knee with the arm at 90 degrees, rotate the weight down to your ankle and back up to perpendicular.  Repeat reps on opposite side.

External Rotation on Cable:  Stand with your left side to the cable stack grab a single handle with your right hand.  The handle should be set at belly button height.  Place a towel between your right elbow and your rib cage and keep your arm at 90 degrees.  From there rotate your arm out keeping your elbow tight to your body, only rotate as far as you can keeping your elbow tight and repeat reps on opposite side.

External Rotation with Band:  Same as on Cable but instead use a band.
Horizontal External Rotation on Cable:  Facing a cable stack with a single handle set at shoulder height.  Grab the handle and set your arm and shoulder so that your elbow is parallel with your shoulder and your arm is at 90 degrees.  From there rotate back keeping your elbow set but bringing your hand up.  Repeat reps on opposite side.

Trap 3 Raise:  Set a bench at a 60 degree incline, stand behind the bench and place your left forearm on the top of the bench and rest your forehead on your forearm.  Holding a light dumbbell with you right hand squeeze your scapula and raise your right hand up to 45 degrees keeping your hand in a thumbs up position.  Control the motion and repeat for both sides.

Cable SA Trap Raise:  Stand with your left side to a cable stack and set a single handle at the bottom.  Grab the handle with your right hand and keeping good posture and a straight arm raise the cable to 45 degrees.  Control the motion and repeat for both sides.

DB Goal Post Rotations:  Holding 2 dumbbells place your arms at 90 degrees with your elbows parallel to your shoulder, rotate your arms up so that your elbows stay stable and your hand rotate to the ceiling.

Front Raise:  Holding 2 dumbbells in front of your thighs with your arms straight, raise the dumbbells up to eye level and back down to your thighs.

Lateral Raise:  Holding 2 dumbbells at your sides with straight arms, raise the dumbbells up to shoulder level and return to your sides.

Lateral L Raise:  Holding 2 dumbbells in a pistol position with your elbows on your sides, raise your elbows up to shoulder level keeping your elbows at 90 degrees.

Rear Delt Raise:  Holding 2 dumbbells bend your waist so that your upper body is at 45 degrees.  Raise the dumbbells laterally to shoulder height.

Cable Front Raise:  Standing with your back to a cable stack and a single handle set at the bottom, raise the handle to the front bringing the handle to eye level.

Cable Lateral Raise:  Standing with your side to a cable stack and a single handle set at the bottom, raise the handle laterally bringing the handle to shoulder height.

Cable Rear Delt Raise: Standing with your side to a cable stack and a single handle set at the bottom, bend at the waist so your upper body is at 45 degrees.  From there raise the handle laterally up to shoulder level.

Iron Cross:  Perform a lateral raise, but at the top of the motion bring the dumbbells together in front of your eyes and then back out to the side.

Lobo Raise:  Perform a lateral raise, but at the top of the motion bring the dumbbells together in front of your eyes and then bring the dumbbells down.  From there perform a front raise and at the top of the motion bring your arms out to the side and lower them.

Shoulder Plate Series: (OH, Press, Raise, Figure 8) Perform all four exercises in sequence without resting.  Holding a plate with both hands first press overhead (OH) from your chest straight up overhead.  Next hold the plate on your chest and press straight out in front of your eyes.  Then holding the plate in front of your eyes lower it to your waist and then raise it back up to your eye level.  Lastly Hold the plate in front of your eyes and make a figure 8 in the air keeping the plate in front of your eyes.

Front Press

Front Raise

Figure 8

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